BellSouth email is an email service that is globally recognized. This email service is active in more than18 countries where it offers internet, cable, wireless, and email services. Later in 2005, AT&T acquired this platform as per the Federal Communications Commission rules. Ever since its merger, BellSouth is accessible on the AT&T domain only. BellSouth email is still active and widely used. The users can still keep their BellSouth email addresses despite switching to another internet provider than BellSouth. Users need to configure the correct BellSouth email settings for it to function correctly. You will find the right email settings in this blog to configure BellSouth on your system.




You can configure email settings using the steps mentioned below.


●       Open the web browser and visit the BellSouth net email login page.

●       Click on the link that says ‘Setup on the email account.’

●       Enter your name in the column and click on Next

●       Enter your BellSouth email ID next and then click on Next again

●       The page will direct to a new page where you will select your incoming email server, select POP3 from the list, and enter the settings mentioned in the next few steps.

● in the inbound server  

●       Select Yes in the SSL

●       Now enter inbound Port as 995 and Outbound port 465

●       Then select in the outbound server.

●       Alternatively, you can choose IMAP instead of POP3 and enter the BellSouth email settings mentioned in the next few steps.

● in the inbound server

●       Select Yes for SSL

●       Enter993 in the inbound Port and 465 or 587 in the Outbound port

● in the Outbound server

●       Please create a strong password for your account that should include small and capital letters, numbers, and special characters.

●       Finally, click on Next to finish the process.


Using the steps mentioned above, you can make the settings for email as these settings should contribute to a smoother functioning of the email service. For more information, you can visit our other blogs.